Even though this essay is only in the middle of the book, it is still probably my favorite, besides the one about people being watched, which I already wrote about, this essay was about outfits and costumes, which is perfect, since today is Halloween. It is called Crime of Fashion, and it's written by Terri Clark. This essay talks about appearance, and how it effects you as a person, and even your life.
Terri Clark says at the beginning, ""fashion statement" means our clothes speak for us. I think that this is very true. Clothing is looked at to be very superficial, and it really can be, but not always, it is what makes us us. Imagine a world where everyone wore the same thing, there would be no individuality, as Terri said, our clothes speak for us, people who wear bright colors, are usually generally happy people, when people are depressed they usually wear darker colors, they most likely don't even realize that there clothes represent their personalities, it's just something that we do.
People can usually figure out what someone likes, by looking at them. If someone wears sports jerseys all the time, it is fair to assume that they like sports, especially the team on their shirt, if someone wears lots of makeup you can generally assume that they are insecure and care a lot about how they look. Just like how in The Hunger Games the sponsors decide who they think will win, by looking at them.
In conclusion, our clothes speak for us, even if you don't really care about fashion, think about the clothes you wear, and how they represent you as a person.