In the last entry I wrote about The higher Power of Lucky, I said that I didn't think Brigitte was a good guardian, but I was only at the beginning of the book. The deeper into the book I got, the more I disliked Brigitte. When Lucky was completely convinced that Brigitte was moving to france, I hated Brigitte the most, because I couldn't believe she would just abandon a dog and a little girl and move to a place 9 hours away.
When Lucky decided to run away, I actually thought it was a good idea, because she wanted to stay with her dog, and if Lucky got put in an orphanage she would be separated from it, and besides, if Brigitte was unattached enough from Lucky to move to france, then why would she care if Lucky moved away a few days before she did?
In the end of the book, Brigitte finds Lucky after she ran away, and is really upset that she had left, it seemed sort of like a character change, since at the beginning and the middle of the book Brigitte had acted completely un interested in Lucky, and now she was telling her that she loved her and that she would never leave her. I guess it was all just a misunderstanding.
In conclusion, Brigitte really does love Lucky, she just had weird ways of showing it, she didn't act very affectionate, but she did feel it, I don't think that Brigitte is the only one who did something bad, I also think that considering how upset Lucky was, she should have talked to Brigitte.